Niat Puasa Sunat Hari Arafah | Waktu Arafah di Mekah & Malaysia | Doa Arafah | Kelebihan HEBAT! | Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera semua~! Tolak ketepi sebentar tentang Najib Razak, Sugu Pavithra, Bella Astillah, Alya Iman Penny Salman, dan segala hal dunia. Jom kita cerita tentang - Doa Arafah, Niat puasa Arafah, Kelebihan & Kebaikan puasa sunat Hari Arafah yang sangat sangat merugikan jika kita tidak ambil tahu dan manfaatkan sebaik yang mungkin!
Esok hari, Khamis 30 Julai 2020; bersamaan 9 Zulhijjah 1441H yang dikenali sebagai hari 'Arafah. So, apa itu hari Arafah? Apa kelebihannya? Kenapa ramai orang nak sangat berebut dan mengajak untuk berpuasa sunat Arafah?
Niat Puasa Sunat Hari Arafah | Waktu Arafah di Mekah & Malaysia | Doa Arafah
Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda:
"Puasa Arafah (9 Dzulhijjah) dapat menghapuskan dosa setahun yang lalu dan setahun akan datang"
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niat puasa hari arafah waktu arafah doa arafah kelebihan |
Rasulullah S.A.W. bersabda:
"Berpuasa pada hari 'Arafah, aku berharap kepada Allah bahawa ia dapat menghapuskan (dosa dosa kecil) setahun sebelumnya dan setahun sesudahnya."
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niat puasa hari arafah waktu arafah doa arafah kelebihan |
"Apa jua yang korang buat esok, sama ada balik kampung, cuti, kerja dan sebagainya, kalau boleh cubalah BERPUASA SUNAT ARAFAH bagi yang tak uzur. Allah ampunkan dosa setahun yang lalu dan setahun yang akan datang. Berbaloi lapar (walaupun tak sahur) untuk ganjaran yang sangat besar ini."
Niat puasa: "Sahaja aku berniat puasa hari 'Arafah, sunat kerana Allah Ta'ala"
"Sahaja aku berpuasa sunat Hari 'Arafah esok hari kerana Allah Ta'ala"
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niat puasa sunat hari arafah |
Puasa esok = diampun dosa tahun sebelum dan tahun selepasnya
Ajak orang lain puasa = dapat pahala seperti puasa juga
Jika diberi kesihatan yang mengizinkan, tiada keuzuran, yuk puasa!
Waktu Arafah di Mekah dan di Malaysia
Berdasarkan info yang saya dapat..
Waktu Mekah: Asar-Maghrib 4:19 pm - 6:32 pm
Waktu Malaysia: 9.19 malam - 11.32 malam
Ditulis oleh: Mufti Menk
The Messenger of Allāh (saw) said: “The best of du’aa’ (supplication), is du’aa’ on the day of ‘Arafah, and the best that I and the Prophets before me said is:
لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ، لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِير
"There is none worthy of worship except Allah, and He is alone, He has no partner, to Him belongs the supreme authority and praise and He is able to do all things).”
[Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (3585)]
Another narration regarding the same adhkar:
The Prophet (saw) said: “Whoever says (the above) one hundred times in a day will have (a reward) equivalent to freeing ten slaves, one hundred hasanaat (good deeds) will be recorded for him and one hundred sayi’aat (bad deeds) will be erased from him, and he will be protected from the Shaytaan for that day until evening comes. No one can do anything better than what he has done except one who does more than that."
[Sahih al-Bukhari 3293, Sahih Muslim 2691, at-Tirmidhi 3468, Ibn Majah 3798 and others.
Ditulis oleh: Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Tomorrow is the Day of Arafah. It is the Day that Allah chose to reveal one of the most blessed verses in the Quran, "Today, I have completed this religion for you, and perfected My favors upon you, and chosen Islam as you way of life".
[Mā'idah; 3].
It is a Day that Allah gives an oath by, and calls it a day that is 'witnessed', in the verse: وَشَاهِدٍ وَمَشْهُودٍ.
Ibn Abbās said, "The shāhid is Friday, and the 'mashhūd' is the Day of Arafah." So Arafah is a Day that Allah and the angels are witnessing and observing.
It is the Day of Ḥajj and the essence of the pilgrimage. The Prophet ﷺ said, "Ḥajj is Arafah," meaning it's all about that day.
It is a day whose fasting expiates the minor sins of the year before and the year after - one single day's fast equivalent to two year's of forgiveness!! There is no other day like it in the whole year.
It is said that this was the Day that Allah took the Covenant (mīthāq) from Adam and his children, and this was the Day that Allah accepted the repentance of Adam.
It is a Day of Forgiveness and of being freed from Jahannam. We learn in the ḥadīth that on no single day are more people forgiven or saved from Jahannam than on this Day.
It is a Day that Shayṭān himself feels the most humiliated and despised as he sees the Mercy of Allah descending down.
It is a Day that Allah descends down to the lower Heavens, and boasts to the angels about the pilgrims, and grants them their every wish.
Simply put: "The best day of the year is the Day of Arafah" [Ibn Ḥibbān]
So make sure that you take advantage of that Day, do lots of takbīr, du`ā, and say:
لَا إِلَهَ إِلَّا اللَّهُ وَحْدَهُ لَا شَرِيكَ لَهُ لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَلَهُ الْحَمْدُ وَهُوَ عَلَى كُلِّ شَيْءٍ قَدِيرٌ
The Duā':
Lā ilāha illa-llāh Wahdahū la sharīka lah, lahu-lmulku wa lahul-hamdu wahuwa 'alā kulli Shay'in Qadīr.
The meaning: No real deity/God worthy of worship except Allāh alone with no partner, He has the ownership/dominion & the praise & He has power/competence/ability over all things.
"Jika takda rezeki, jangan lupa luangkan masa dengan banyak zikir & istighfar serta doa. Kerana esok terutama selepas Asar, Allah SWT memustajabkan doa & banyaknya Dia melepaskan hambanya dari seksa api neraka. Jangan sia-siakan kan begitu sahaja. Wallahualam."
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kelebihan hari arafah hadis riwayat muslim |
Doa Arafah (sumber: Lembaga Tabung Haji Malaysia):
"Ya Allah! Ampuni dosa kami kepada orang tua kami. Ampuni jikalau mereka menyesal melahirkan kami. Ampuni dosa kami kepada keluarga kami ya Allah, kepada anak anak kami,jangan biarkan mereka menuntut kami di akhirat. Berikan kesempatan bagi kami memperbaiki segalanya."
I got from the TWITTER.. here are the compilation of doa!
"got together to compile a Dua List for Arafah. It covers a wide range of categories inc. prayers for Akhirah, the state of our hearts, to prayers for parents, the Ummah & even our animal-friends! May this be of benefit!"
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doa hari arafah |
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ada apa dengan hari arafah |
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doa yang boleh dibaca pada hari arafah |
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doa yang boleh dibaca pada hari arafah |
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doa yang boleh dibaca pada hari arafah |
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doa yang boleh dibaca pada hari arafah |
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doa yang diamalkan oleh neelofa |
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doa yang boleh dibaca pada hari arafah |
Moga bermanfaat!
Jom ajak ramai ramai puasa sunat arafah esok!
Till next time, daa~ wassalam! :)
Esok jom kita pakat berpuasa
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