Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) Currency Converter
Klik here :
- Convert to/from Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) and other major currencies.
- Exchange rate updated from Yahoo Currency Converter.
How to Use:
- Enter the desired amount.
- Select the “from” currency.
- Select the “to” currency.
MYR Currency Exchange Rate on Jul 2015:
1 US Dollar = RM3.81
1 Singapore Dollar = RM2.78
1 Australian Dollar = RM2.76
1 UK Pound Sterling = RM5.91
1 Euro Dollar = RM4.18
1 Singapore Dollar = RM2.78
1 Australian Dollar = RM2.76
1 UK Pound Sterling = RM5.91
1 Euro Dollar = RM4.18
RM1 = 9.16 Thai Baht
RM1 = 3,534 Indonesian Rupiah
RM1 = 307.18 Korean Won
RM1 = 1.63 China Renminbi
RM1 = 2.03 Hong Kong Dollars
RM1 = 3,534 Indonesian Rupiah
RM1 = 307.18 Korean Won
RM1 = 1.63 China Renminbi
RM1 = 2.03 Hong Kong Dollars
ringgit o ringgit
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