Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya... - sayidahnapisahdotcom Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...

Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...

Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? | Assalamualaikum & selamat sejahtera semua~! Macam mana dengan jari mengundi berwarna ungu yang dicelup kelmarin? Masih warna ungu kah atau bertukar warna kah? Saya punya makin gelap dan makin pekat! Takut pula den nengoknya kahkah.

Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat?

Pelik kan kenapa jadi macam tu. Pelik dan scary haha. Normal kah situasi tersebut? Yes normal sebab semua orang pun jadi macam tu juga. Bukan jari saya sorang je berlaku transformasi 'menakutkan' sebegitu rupa.

And one day, I found the reason why jari mengundi kita bertukar warna. Someone beri explaination dari sudut kimia yang sangat awesome! Let's read!

Election & Chemistry (Part One)

Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...
Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...
Why does finger turn brown after some time? 

1. Purple Finger
- Election ink contains about 10 to 20% of silver nitrate + violet ink
- Silver nitrate reacts with salt (sodium chloride) in our skin to form silver chloride

2. Brown Finger
- Ultraviolet rays in sunlight breaks down silver chloride into metallic silver which is BROWN (similar chemical reaction used in photographic film)

- Washing with water and nail polish is ineffective as metallic silver is not soluble in both water and organic solvent

- Washing with vinegar is ineffective too, as silver is unreactive towards acid 

It is alright! It will fade as your new skin cells replace the old cells.

Election and Chemistry (Part Two) + Upgraded version with Biology

Another day flooded with curiosity! Here are some further explanations about our brown fingers Ooopppsss, so much of science! Take a deep breath ya!

Q: Why does the brown part of the skin feel tighten?
🔎 Human skin is capable of producing lubricating oil [sebum]
🔎 Silver stain kills the skin cells on upper layer [epidermis]---> dead cells lose the ability in producing sebum ---> Similar to the feelings after washing dishes with detergent.

Q: Does chlorox/bleach really work in removing the stain? If yes, how does it work?
🔎 Clorox releases chlorine when dissolves in water (very long chemical reactions involving sodium hypochlorite)
🔎 Chlorine acts as a good oxidising agent (Cl2 +2e → 2Cl-) 
🔎 Hence, it is capable to oxidise the metallic silver (Ag → Ag+ + e)
cara hilangkan warna jari mengundi
salah satu cara hilangkan warna di jari mengundi --> clorox
📌 BUT, some silver ion + chloride ion combine to become silver chloride again, while some stain may still left behind especially around nail bed! (refer to part one in case you have missed it/forgotten) 😝

📌 Nonetheless, to explain the success in removal of stain by fellow Netizens, it is probably due to:

1) soaking in clorox was done before full development of colour
2) the corrosive effect of bleaching agent that “eats” away the upper layer of skin (yup! Clorox is dangerous) 
3) physical scrubbing actions that remove the stained cells

Once again, reminder to all, Clorox is a harmful and strong chemical, please dilute it with water before using and wash hands thoroughly with soaps after in contact.

Cheers to all curious Netizens!
Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...
Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...
Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...
Kenapa Jari Mengundi Makin Gelap & Pekat? Ini Sebabnya...

That's why kawan abi ada yang lepas sental dengan berus basuh pinggan, dah makin hilang warna gelap kat jari. Ada juga kawan yang rendam kejap dalam clorox pun dah pudar warna. Tapi saya malas la nak buat macam tu. Biar je secara natural dia akan hilang. Lagipun 5 tahun sekali je kan merasa jari gelap ala ala inai macam ni hahaha.

Itu lah penjelasannya. So kalau lepas ni ada yang masih confuse acamno jari mengundi yang dari warna purple cair boleh bertukar jadi pekat gelap macam terbakar, boleh la tunjuk explaination ni.

Tapi serius laa makin gelap jari telunjuk den ni woi HAHAHA.

Okay daa~ wassalam!

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  1. ohh patutlahh ok akak dah belajar subjek kimia .. hiii

  2. Nak remove dengan clorox tapi kulit tak tahan. Sensitif betui. Dah la comot habis hitam jari akak. Takpe la hitam pun hitam la. Bukannya selalu. Haha

  3. bangga kot ada inai SPR kat jari ni.. 5 tahun sekali je ada.. hehehe

  4. Assalamualaikum dan salam sabtu dari Ibu. Singgah blog walking.

  5. macam-macam idea tapi kita biar saja, malas nak usaha. 😍

  6. ada orang bagi macam-macam tips lagi untuk hilangkan dakwat ni. hihi sekurang-kurangnya berbangga dapat mengundi. hihi

  7. ihiks , nak nanges jugak tgk jari ni sbb over-stained sgt, tapi fikir balik..
    bangga tu..
    bangga dari retis2 fofular yang tak turun mengundi..hihi

  8. good info. dakwat kat jari dah hilang.kat kuku masih ada.
    Janji Kita

  9. Kita sama! Siqah biarkan je hilang sendiri. Seram lah dengar orang guna clorox. Huhu. Lagipun 5 tahun sekali je kan, apalah sangat. Hii. Sekarang pun dah hilang sikit :)


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