11 Jenis Roti Yang Mungkin Anda Tak Tahu. Nama Unik! ~ Wordless Wednesday - sayidahnapisahdotcom 11 Jenis Roti Yang Mungkin Anda Tak Tahu. Nama Unik! ~ Wordless Wednesday

11 Jenis Roti Yang Mungkin Anda Tak Tahu. Nama Unik! ~ Wordless Wednesday

11 Jenis Roti Yang Mungkin Anda Tak Tahu. Nama Unik! ~ Wordless Wednesday

roti jantan
ROTI JANTAN - Essentially roti teller but with two eggs instead of one.Roti Maggi
roti banjir
ROTI BANJIR - Roti kosong is shredded into bite-sized pieces and then completely flooded with curry or dhal.
roti beckham
ROTI BECKHAM - Stuffed with tuna, eggs, cheese, and turkey slices topped with mayonnaise dressing.
roti fujima
ROTI FUJIMA - Roti pisang is elevated to roti fujima simply by serving it in stacks of quartered roti poising topped with two scoops of ice-cream.
roti hawaii
ROTI HAWAII - Roti kosong stuffed with either minced meat, cheese, sausages, and pineapple topped with mayonnaise dressing.
roti jepun
ROTI JEPUN - Similar to roti telur, except that the egg is plastered on the outside.
roti maggi
ROTI MAGGI - When you open up the magical roti kosong bag to discover Maggi goring within.
roti scrambled
ROTI SCRAMBLED - Basically roti causing wrapped burrito-style around a mixture of minced chicken, eggs, and sausages with mayonnaise dressing.
roti sweet forever
ROTI SWEET FOREVER - Roti kosong with bits of corn scattered within and then topped with two scoops of ice-cream and a sprig of mint.
roti tampal
ROTI TAMPAL - Similar to roti telur, except that the egg is plastered on the outside.
roti tsunami
ROTI TSUNAMI - Levelling up from roti banjir, it is served with two soft-boiled eggs.

credit: SAYS

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  1. Banyak jenis roti rupanya.. Selalu makan roti telur ngan banjir je

  2. roti jantan. kikikh. kat perlis ada roti dol. best.

  3. laa banyak jenis rupanya hehe



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