Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016) - sayidahnapisahdotcom Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)

Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)

Taraaaa~! Lagu baru dari Maher Zain yang baru je keluar di YouTube pada bulan May 2016. Serius sedap lagu baru Maher Zain yang bertajuk Peace Be Upon You ni. Walaupun baru first time dengar tapi lepas tu rasa nak dengar banyak-banyak kali. Lirik lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You ni pun sedap maksudnya dan sangat bermakna. Tambahan lagi, lagu ni membuatkan kita berselawat kepada Nabi Muhammad S.A.W secara tidak langsung. Semoga kita mendapat pahala setiap kali kita berselawat kepada Nabi Muhammad amin. Okay lah jom kita ushar lirik lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You di bawah ni! 

Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)

Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
There's faith in my world
It comes back to your teachings and all your words
From your life I have learnt
To be patient and caring in every turn

The reason I'm strong
You're where I belong
In a world spinning out of control

The reason for my pride
You are my guide
And I will always follow your way
Your way, your way, oh!

'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace and blessings on you every day
'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
You inspire me in every way

I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I'll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah(Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace and blessings on you every day

There's light in my heart
Helps me find my way back when I've gone too far
When all my anger makes me blind
I remember you're a mercy for all mankind

The reason I forgive as long as I live
In a world spinning out of control
The reason I love, I'll never give up
And I will always follow your way
Your way,your way, oh!

'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace and blessings on you every day
'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
You inspire me in every way

I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I'll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah(Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace and blessings on you every day

I know the only thing I want from this life
And it's to follow all your footsteps to Paradise
So that's the way I'm going to spend all my time
Yes, I swear, by Allah I swear!

Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace and blessings on you every day
'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
You inspire me in every way

'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
Peace and blessings on you every day
'Alayka salla Allah O Muhammad (May Allah's salutations be upon you O Muhammad)
You inspire me in every way

I promise that wherever I go
Whenever I pray
I'll be sending you praise
With the words that I say
Rasulallah(Messenger of Allah), O Muhammad
Peace and blessings on you every day

Lyrics : Paddy Dalton, Maher Zain, Bara Kherigi
Melody : Maher Zain, Paddy Dalton
Arrangement :  Maher Zain
Link Video Youtube Lagu Peace Be Upon You: 

Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
Apa yang saya suka lagi dengan lagu ni adalah melodi piano yang mengasyikkan. Saya memang suka muzik piano. Lagi satu, video dia simple je. Black & white. Dan as usual, Maher Zain maintain handsome hehehe.

Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)
Lirik Lagu Maher Zain - Peace Be Upon You (2016)

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  1. dah dgr lagu baru ni, best :)

  2. best lagu ni ...terbaik maher zain and napisah ..for the lyric


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