12 Soalan Lazim Temuduga dan Contoh Jawapan - sayidahnapisahdotcom 12 Soalan Lazim Temuduga dan Contoh Jawapan

12 Soalan Lazim Temuduga dan Contoh Jawapan

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera semua~! Sekarang ni memang musim interview kan. Ada yang interview nak jadi manager, ada yang interview SPA untuk jawatan pegawai&penolong pegawai, ada yang nak interview di syarikat swasta, ada yang temuduga kerja part time sementara tunggu result matrik/UPU keluar. So, I want to share beberapa soalan lazim temuduga dan contoh jawapan. Soalan-soalan yang biasa dan soalan-soalan top yang ditanya semasa temuduga tu saya buat kajian di Internet dan juga berdasarkan pengalaman orang. So, believe me.. di bawah ni adalah contoh soalan lazim temuduga yang sangat normal + biasa + cliche yang ditanya oleh pihak penemuduga.

Tapiiii.. part yang jawapan tu pula adalah contoh jawapan saya sendiri (ada some part jawapan yang saya tiru dari Internet hehe). saya tak pandai sangat writing ayat dalam Bahasa Inggeris, so jangan gelakkan jawapan English saya tu ye hahaha. Saya buat jawapan-jawapan ni semua tahun lepas. Time saya bakal hadiri interview for jawatan tutor Matematik di Universiti. Thats why jawapan-jawapan bawah ni berkaitan dengan jawatan tersebut hehe.

12 Soalan Lazim Temuduga dan Contoh Jawapan
12 Soalan Lazim Temuduga dan Contoh Jawapan. credit image: hercampus.com

12 Soalan Lazim Temuduga dan Contoh Jawapan

soalan dan jawapan temuduga

1. Soalan berkaitan peribadi (jawab dalam less than 5 minute)

Q: Tell us about yourself.
Q: Introduce yourself.

[notamental: cara jawab - beritahu secara turutan nama, umur, tinggal mana, latest pendidikan, sedikit kelebihan/strengthness, working experience, harapan]

A: Good morning. My name is Sayidah Napisah and I'm 23 years old. I live in Seremban. I have a degree in Major Mathematics from UPM, Serdang with CGPA 3.625. I got the dean honors for 3 semesters while studying at UPM. I was one of the best PMR & SPM students at the school. I was also the best student of Mathematic subject for 2 conscutive years at the school. Al though I haven't had any working experience, I've spent my free time searching any acancy that related to teaching and also my field. I'm hoping to be given a chance to experience the real world of teaching.

2. Soalan berkaitan pengalaman

Q: What have you done before? (Apakah yang telah anda lakukan sebelum ni?)
Q: Tell us about your past work experience. (Ceritakan pengalaman kerja anda yang lepas)
Q: Apakah yang boleh anda boleh dapat sepanjang melalukan kerja tersebut?
Q: Adakah pengalaman berkhidmat di syaikat swasta dapat menambah nilai perkhidmatan anda di sektor awam?

[notamental: jangan ceritakan tentang keburukan kerja/syarikat yang kita pernah berkerja sebelum ni]

(i) Internship at Bank Rakyat Seremban
- assisting workers to do administration activities at documentation department,
- help workers at the caunters to entertain the customers; mostly about the insurance.
- since I was a practical student, I was not allowed to interfere or help in work that related to money/financial matter. Because it is private and confidential.

(ii) Teaching experience
- I've taught some secondary students Mathematics Modern for Shot Your Target program while studying at UPM. This program is the collaboration between the Faculty of Science, UPM (specifically Mathematics Department) and SMK Putrajaya Presint 9(1).

We are given opportunity to teach one group of students. There are 3-5 students per group. We taught them Mathematics topic. Our main task are:
-assisting them in answering Mathematics question.
-we taught them how to tackle the questions and how to analyze it. Sort out the information given. Taught them step by step how to do it.

So, the objective and results achieved are win-win situation. They will gain more knowledge & confidence to answer the question easily & strategically. In return, after we spent time teach them, they understand & follow what we taught to them, so it boost our confidence level up.

Besides that, we know what topic students have difficulties with, which topic and which kind of question that they must give extra effort. So, from that, we gave them advices and also guidelines that will help them improve.

3. Soalan berkaitan akademik

Q: Why you not further study?
Q: Mengapa anda tidak meneruskan pengajian sedangkan anda memiliki keputusan yang baik di peringkat ijazah?

A: Actually there are so many times I've heard that question. There are some of my friends further study in Master. I decide to not further study and instrad, looking for a job because of I want to gain the income for helping my family and myself to get a better life.

I have plan to continue my study one fine day, but not now. I can do part time study in Master while working in the future.

4. Soalan berkaitan syarikat/tempat kerja.

Q: Apakah pandangan anda tentang syarikat kami?
Q: Apakah yang anda tahu tentang syarikat ini?
Q: Apakah misi, visi & objectif syarikat?
Q: Nyatakan apa yang anda faham mengenai fungsi dan peranan syarikat?

[notamental: kebiasaannya orang search di Internet berkaitan dengan carta organisasi, nama orang atas atasan, misi, visi, moto, objektif, falsafah, wawasan, sejarah syarikat/tempat kerja]

5. Soalan berkaitan sumbangan yang kita bakal beri pada syarikat/tempat kerja

Q: Why do you want to work in this company?
Q: Why should we hire you?

[notamental: beri 3/4 sebab kenapa kita layak untuk memegang jawatan tersebut. beri sebab kenapa mereka harus mengambil kita kerja. Dan akhir sekali, yakinkan interviewer bahawa kita adalah calon yang terbaik untuk jawatan tersebut]

A: I always love teaching because I'm a very patient person. I like to teach, especially any Mathematics subject since Maths is my passion. I have soft skills that are required in teaching such as effective communication, presentation skills, body language, negotiation skills, goal setting & mentoring. 

I work well under stress so I can handle any kind of task with minimal supervision.

I'm a people person. I can teach all kinds of people and am always willing to learn new things & tackle new challenges. 

Therefore, I'm the best candidate for this position.

interview questions
jangan frown semasa interview ye hehe

6. Soalan berkaitan kekurangan/kelemahan.

Q: What's your greatest weakness?

[notamental: selepas nyatakan kelemahan kita, tapi kemudian cover balik. beritahu yang kelemahan tu boleh membantu kita]

A: I tend to put things to the very last minute. But I work well under presuure and I personally think that pressure motivates me to work twice as hard and finish my work on time. I like works to be done punctually to be honest.

7. Soalan berkaitan kekuatan/kelebihan.

Q: What is your strength?

[notamental: sebaiknya nyatakan kekuatan yang berkaitan dengan jawatan. Ataupun nyatakan kelebihan yang kita dapat daripada experience dulu-dulu di kolej/universiti/tempat kerja lama]

A: Because of my my passion towards Maths, I'm usually use more my left part of the brain. So, I love to analyze the problem and things systematically.

I'm an organized person. I like things to be organized. So, I finished my works on time.
Furthermore, I have strong leadership as I'm the Vice President of Sekretariat Akademik of MTM College.

I have handled & also participate in some academic project and programs such as tutor class. So, indirectly, I know how to handle the tutor class more effectively.

8. Soalan berkaitan plan/vision dari segi pekerjaan.

Q: Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years?

A: I want to emphasize that I'm the best candidate for this position. If you find that I'm eligible to be considered for a higher position in the future, I could not refuse the offer.

Furthermore, I hope to become very well-experienced in what I do and have a better understanding of my field.

9. Soalan berkaitan gaji

Q: What salary are you looking for?

A: I hope to get a salary that is suitable based on the organization's rate. 

10. Soalan untuk yang temuduga jawatan kerajaan

Q: Why are you interested in working with the government?

A: Successfully positioned myself in the government sector is a proud moment for me because I can directly serve the country I love.

For your information, I got JPA Scholarship while studying at UPM. So, I want to repay government that aid has given me the opportunity to continue my studies.

In addition, risk for losses of employment is very low compared to work in the private sector, coupled with the economic crisis that is hitting now.

And no doubt also, working in the public sector gives me a seucre future for me and my family.

11. Soalan isu semasa berkaitan jawatan

12. Soalan penutup

[notamental: ini soalan yang kita tujukan pada penemuduga]

Q: How high my chances for the position?

Then, selepas penemuduga dah jawab soalan kita, beritahu la sedikit kata-kata penghargaan dan last but not least, tindakan yang mungkin mengambil hati penemuduga - email thankyou letter.

Thank you for taking the time to interview me. If I get this position, I will do my very best and do my job enthusiastically.
Lastly, may I know your name and email for me to send a brief of thank you letter to you? Thanks :)

Practice makes perfect! Goodluck! Semoga berjaya! :)

Baca juga entri:
Faktor Calon Gagal Temuduga

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  1. Seram pula saya bila baca soalan2 ni.. Memang anxiety saya tinggi sangat bila nak pergi interview


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